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Farid Gayibov participates in Change Games Conference of Sports Ministers [PHOTOS]

25 July 2024 15:31 (UTC+04:00)
Farid Gayibov participates in Change Games Conference of Sports Ministers [PHOTOS]
Laman Ismayilova
Laman Ismayilova
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Paris has hosted the Change the Games International Forum of Sports ministers under the organization of UNESCO, Azernews reports.

The Azerbaijan Minister of Youth and Sports Farid Gayibov addressed the forum and participated in the panel discussions.

Speaking at the forum, the minister spoke about the cooperation with UNESCO and the relevant institutions of different countries and provided insight into projects implemented by Azerbaijan.

Within the framework of the forum, Farid Gayibov hold a series of meetings with UNESCO Director-General Gabriela Ramos, Deputy Director General of UNESCO for Social and Human Sciences Jaime Pizarro Herrera, as well as ministers from Chile, Angola, Madagascar, Tanzania, South Africa, Samoa, and Costa Rica.

Azerbaijani and Gambian ministers also signed a memorandum of cooperation at the UNESCO office.

The document was signed by Minister Farid Gayibov and Gambia's Minister of Sports and Youth Bakar Bodji.

The Conference "Change the Game" gathered together ministers, sports organizations, high-level athletes, private sector actors, investors, social entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders to discuss the transformative power of sport for sustainable development.

The discussions of the Ministerial Forum were underpinned by Fit for Life knowledge products and resources, including The "Global State of Play - Report and Recommendations on Quality Physical Education", The Sport and Gender Equality Game Plan.


Laman Ismayilova is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow her on Twitter: @lmntypewriterrr

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Farid Gayibov participates in Change Games Conference of Sports Ministers [PHOTOS] - Gallery Image
Farid Gayibov participates in Change Games Conference of Sports Ministers [PHOTOS] - Gallery Image
Farid Gayibov participates in Change Games Conference of Sports Ministers [PHOTOS] - Gallery Image
Farid Gayibov participates in Change Games Conference of Sports Ministers [PHOTOS] - Gallery Image
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