
Tuesday September 24 2024

Turan tiger population to be restored in Kazakhstan

23 September 2024 22:30 (UTC+04:00)
Turan tiger population to be restored in Kazakhstan

By Alimat Aliyeva

Two Amur tigers were brought from the Netherlands to the Ile-Balkhash State Nature Reserve of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Azernews reports.

This event was an important step towards restoring the ecosystem and restoring lost biodiversity.

Scientists, including the International Union for Conservation of Nature, consider the Amur and Turanian tigers not as separate subspecies, but as ecological forms or geographical populations of the same species.

When a stable population is established, these tigers will automatically be considered representatives of the Turanian species.
The population density of the Turanian tiger is significantly higher than that of the Amur tiger, and is approaching the density of the tigers of India. This makes it possible to create a population of at least 100 tigers in the Balkhash region.

Historically, the territories inhabited by the Turanian tiger in the Republic of Kazakhstan were reed beds and tugai forests on the banks of the Ili and Syrdarya rivers.

The direct extermination of the tiger in Kazakhstan, the disappearance of its habitats and forage resources (tugai deer, gazelles, saigas, kulans, roe deer and wild boars) led to its disappearance by 1948.


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