
Wednesday September 18 2024

China's Defense Minister advocates for hlobal participation in multipolar World at Xiangshan Forum

14 September 2024 17:32 (UTC+04:00)
China's Defense Minister advocates for hlobal participation in multipolar World at Xiangshan Forum

The 11th Xiangshan Forum, held in Beijing under the theme "Promoting Peace for a Common Future," brought together officials and experts from over 100 countries and international organizations. Azernews reports that the event was jointly organized by the Chinese Ministry of National Defense and the Military Science Association.

Chinese Defense Minister Don Jun emphasized the right of every nation to protect its own security and stressed the need for global cooperation to ensure a safe world. He highlighted the importance of all countries participating in the creation of a multipolar world built on equal and orderly foundations.

The forum featured discussions on various global and regional security issues, including "Security Cooperation and Progress and Stability in the Asia-Pacific Region" and "Multipolarity and the Changing International Order."

The Xiangshan Forum, established in 2006, provides a platform for addressing security challenges with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. Unlike Western-dominated security forums, the Xiangshan Forum also addresses the concerns of developing and smaller countries. Topics covered included artificial intelligence, ongoing conflicts, space and maritime security, security evolution in Europe, Middle East peace, international arms control, and counter-terrorism.

The three-day forum facilitated discussions on South-South cooperation and North-South joint activities, contributing to a fair international order.


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