
Tuesday September 17 2024

Armenian government sold for fistful of dollars: USAID in charge

11 September 2024 20:00 (UTC+04:00)
Armenian government sold for fistful of dollars: USAID in charge
Fatima Latifova
Fatima Latifova
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USAID's "generous" activity in the South Caucasus is already well known. Since the organization's attachment to the region is extremely high, everyone appreciates it for its selfless services to the countries. However, what is said about the activities of USAID should not be treated so naively.

Azerbaijan, which eliminated the 30-year occupation in the South Caucasus by its own power or without any financial support from some organizations and institutions, today is rebuilding Garabagh, which was blown up and destroyed by Armenia. In return, USAID, which takes a "philanthropist" image, finances Armenia in various fields.

USAID, which is loyal to its interests, has taken another step regarding financial assistance to Armenia. Since its founding, this organization has gained a reputation for representing the interests of the country it serves, as well as various lobbying organizations. Now, it has decided to more than double its financial aid to Armenia—rising from $120 million to $250 million.

In April, USAID announced the launch of new programs in Armenia worth $23.1 million. This time, the aim of the aid is again to direct funds towards sectors such as democratic processes, regional cooperation, disaster risk management, cybersecurity, food, and especially energy security.

This includes improving access to renewable energy in Armenia, eliminating cybersecurity vulnerabilities in the energy sector, and reducing dependence on imports. USAID, which has increased its aid tenfold in recent months to entice Armenia even further, has a clear objective: to expand its sphere of influence in the South Caucasus through Armenia.

Although Armenia is making small efforts to distance itself from Russian influence, Moscow's dominance over Yerevan is undeniable. The Pashinyan administration is persistently trying to distance itself from Russia in favour of the West, and seeing this, Washington is trying to take advantage of the tensions in the region to gain a foothold. However, the millions wasted in vain are being squandered by incompetent Armenian governance, and the Armenian people continue to suffer.

Armenia, which has made some progress thanks to Russia, now finds itself in an even more pitiful situation, becoming a puppet of opportunistic states. However, it seems that this reality is difficult for the Pashinyan administration to comprehend. Immediately after the news of the aid, a ceasefire was violated near the border with Azerbaijan.

This lawlessness reveals the deceitful character of Pashinyan, who was talking about peace just yesterday. If the army is firing on Azerbaijan on its own accord, this means that Pashinyan is a failed and powerless leader. If the army is acting on Yerevan’s orders, this also shows how deceitful and hypocritical Pashinyan is.

It is clear that the prime minister has taken on certain obligations in exchange for the aid given to Armenia. This includes delaying the peace agreement as much as possible, creating tension and provocations in the region, and indirectly facilitating the involvement of U.S. forces in the region.

However, the growing protests against Pashinyan inside the country and Armenia’s transformation into a puppet of foreign states will further complicate the situation in the South Caucasus. The settlement of the U.S. and other Western forces in the region is not in Azerbaijan's interests, nor is it beneficial for Armenia. This is because the special attention Yerevan is currently receiving is solely aimed at squeezing Russia out of the region and is not based on any love or sympathy for Pashinyan or other Armenians. At the first opportunity, those forces will abandon the Armenian nation halfway.

Believing in the sweetness of dollars and handing over the governance of the country to foreign forces is both foolish and cruel. Enough blood has been spilled in these lands, and for the first time in 30 years, Azerbaijan and Armenia are so close to peace. Destroying all this progress, worsening relations, and throwing the South Caucasus into danger by letting in some foreign forces that support terrorist organizations in many parts of the world is unacceptable.


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