
Tuesday September 17 2024

UK, France, Germany mull new sanctions on Iran over possible transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia

11 September 2024 09:00 (UTC+04:00)
UK, France, Germany mull new sanctions on Iran over possible transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia

The governments of France, Germany, and the United Kingdom strongly condemn Iran’s export and Russia’s procurement of Iranian ballistic missiles, Azernews reports, citing the UK's official news portal.

According to the statement, this is a further escalation of Iran’s military support to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and will see Iranian missiles reaching European soil, increasing the suffering of the Ukrainian people.

"This act is an escalation by both Iran and Russia and is a direct threat to European security," the statement reads.

Further to the joint statement, the trio warns Tehran of tougher measures if the transfer is realised.

"The E3 has privately and publicly been clear that we would take new and significant measures against Iran if the transfers took place. We now have confirmation that Iran has made these transfers. We will be taking immediate steps to cancel bilateral air services agreements with Iran. In addition, we will pursue the designations of significant entities and individuals involved with Iran’s ballistic missile programme and the transfer of ballistic missiles and other weapons to Russia. We will also work towards imposing sanctions on Iran Air."


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