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Number of Internet users in China exceeded 1 billion

29 August 2024 19:46 (UTC+04:00)
Number of Internet users in China exceeded 1 billion

By Alimat Aliyeva

The total number of Internet users in China by the end of June 2024 amounted to almost 1.1 billion, which is 7.42 million more than in December 2023, Azernews reports.

It notes that during this period, the bulk of all new Internet users were young people aged 10 to 19 years - 49%. The segment of short videos is developing especially rapidly. The corresponding applications are used by 37.3% of the total number of Internet users in the country.

As indicated in the document, for the 10th year in a row, China continues to hold the world leadership in the number of state-owned top-level domains, of which by mid-June there were 19.56 million (61.4% of the total number of all domains registered in the Chinese segment of the Internet).

The majority of Chinese users access the Internet using mobile devices. The country is actively developing fifth-generation communications (5G). By mid-June, 3.92 million base stations for this communication standard had been installed throughout China.


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