
Tuesday September 10 2024

Turkiye increased wheat purchases from Russia to 140.3 million dollars

7 August 2024 18:39 (UTC+04:00)
Turkiye increased wheat purchases from Russia to 140.3 million dollars

By Alimat Aliyeva

Before suspending the import of wheat from abroad, Turkiye increased its purchases from Russia to a maximum of 140.3 million dollars since January this year, Azernews reports.

The Turkish authorities suspended wheat imports from June 21 to October 15. It was noted that this is one of the measures aimed at protecting local producers so that they do not suffer as a result of lower prices for this grain.

In June, Russia increased wheat exports to Turkiye by 11%, to $140.3 million. There was more this year only in January ($145.7 million).

At the same time, at the beginning of summer, Russia remained the only major supplier of this grain to Turkiye: imports from Ukraine, which is traditionally the second of the main exporters, fell eight times to $ 2.1 million.

In general, Turkiye slightly reduced wheat imports in June - by 0.8%, to $ 143.8 million.


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