
Sunday June 30 2024

Slovak company built freight car manufacturing plant in Uzbekistan

27 June 2024 19:38 (UTC+04:00)
Slovak company built freight car manufacturing plant in Uzbekistan

By Alimat Aliyeva

On June 25, a memorandum of understanding was signed in Tashkent between Sanoat Energetika Guruhi, Gallaaral Management and the leading Slovak industrial group AZC Orbis Invest, Azernews reports.

According to the information, the agreement provides for the establishment of a plant for the production of railway freight cars in the Gallaaral special industrial zone in the Jizzakh region.

Saneg CEO Tulkin Yusupov noted that the freight car manufacturing plant will significantly improve the logistics infrastructure and increase the efficiency of transport operations.

It is reported that the new production will include a full line for the production of various types of wagons, such as tank wagons, hoppers, gondola wagons and covered wagons. The annual production volume will be about 2 thousand wagons. These wagons will provide the logistics system of the Saneg Group of companies and the whole country.

The Slovak company AZC Orbis Invest will provide technical expertise and technologies for the successful launch and operation of production. The new plant will be an important step in developing the industrial potential of the region and improving the country's logistics infrastructure.


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