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Armenian MP worried by Europe’s approach to Turkey ties

5 November 2009 05:05 (UTC+04:00)
Armenian MP worried by Europe’s approach to Turkey ties
An Armenian lawmaker has voiced concern over European politicians’ approach to the normalization of Turkey-Armenia relations, saying they link the process with the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Upper (Nagorno) Garabagh.
The statement was made by Stepan Safaryan, head of the opposition Heritage faction in the Armenian parliament, who has held meetings with European institutions’ officials in Brussels and Strasbourg, Armenia Today news agency reported.
Turkey and Armenia face decades of enmity. Turkey closed its border with Armenia in 1993 due to Armenian occupation of Azerbaijani territory and past genocide claims. On October 10, in Zurich, the two governments signed two protocols to establish diplomatic relations and reopen their borders, in a bid to normalize their strained relations. However, the documents require ratification in both countries’ parliaments.
Safaryan claimed that Turkey is considered by Europeans today as "a rising sun" of the region, and "the door is open to it" to co-chair the OSCE Minsk Group, which is brokering settlement to the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict.
The lawmaker maintained that, by signing the protocols with Armenia, Ankara aims to achieve a solution to the Garabagh problem by next April and to impede recognition of the alleged World War I-era genocide of Armenians in US Congress. Another goal pursued by Turkey, he claimed, is turning into a regional leader.
"For this reason Turkey will be delaying ratification of the protocols," Safaryan alleged.
Turkish officials have ruled out approval of the documents in the Grand National Assembly before progress is made in the Garabagh conflict.*
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