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Mass protests continue in Armenia

29 August 2019 12:42 (UTC+04:00)
Mass protests continue in Armenia

By Abdul Kerimkhanov

The Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, who came to power after the velvet revolution, is likely to leave the power in a similar way.

Several hundred people have marched in the central streets of Yerevan, protesting against the exploitation of the Amulsar gold mine. They chanted the slogan “We are the masters of Armenia”, which was popular during the velvet revolution, and carried posters saying “Save Amulsar!”, “Hands off Amulsar!”, “Lydian go away!”, “Life or mine?” etc.

The Amulsar gold mine is the second most explored gold reserve in Armenia. In 2015, Lydian Armenia received a license to develop the field but it has not yet begun production.

Environmental activists and the local population are sure that the dust from the Amulsar gold mine can be dangerous for the town of Jermuk, where the gold mine is located, and that through underground water, it can reach Sevan Lake. Opponents of field development periodically organize such mass rallies and protests.

On August 26, Speaker of the Armenian Parliament Ararat Mirzoyan acknowledged that the launch of the Amulsar gold mine may jeopardize the rating of Armenian authorities.

When the unrest in Jermuk began in connection with the Lydian mining company activities, Armenian analysts warned that the authorities should seriously address the problem until it turned into serious consequences.

However, inspired by the unexpectedly simple success of the April coup, Pashinyan did not heed them. Today, the problem of operating the Amulsar gold mine has turned into a really huge problem.

On August 23, Pashinyan himself had to go to Jermuk, where he was met by people with protest posters.

Thus, Pashinyan should take a difficult decision now. He will either have to cross out his own thesis that Armenian people are masters of their country, or completely lose face in front of potential investors in Armenia and partners. In both cases, Pashinyan will lose his power and confidence, either in the masses’ support or investment in the country.


Abdul Kerimkhanov is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow him on Twitter: @AbdulKerim94

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