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German MPs demand implementation of int'l law over Nagorno-Karabakh

7 April 2016 17:00 (UTC+04:00)
German MPs demand implementation of int'l law over Nagorno-Karabakh

The German MP and chairwoman of the German-Caucasian Parliamentary Friendship Group in German Bundestag, Karin Strenz and the MP, Co-Chairman of the Group, Johannes Kahrs, have issued a statement about the current violent developments in Nagorno-Karabakh, which reached a new level of escalation in the past few days.

The statement declares that the current developments need to be put to an end. Every shootout, every injury, every human life, caused by this conflict should be ended, Azertac state news agency reports.

This year Germany presides the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. The MPs demand a swift reaction within the scope of the OSCE and the related Minsk-Group to end the futile dying.

This year Germany has a big opportunity to contribute an expedient part in the de-escalation of the dramatic situation in the conflict region. The latest devastating battles show its absolute necessity.

The UN Security Council passed four resolutions to terminate the current illegal status, which defies international law.

“The current situation does not comply with international law and should therefore be condemned. The Parliamentary Friendship Group supports the resolution, to put an end to the violence in the South Caucasus region. A serious ceasefire is the necessary requirement to return to the table," Strenz demanded.

"Ceasing combat operations by Azerbaijan unilaterally is positively received and we hope this contributes to easing of the current situation. The ceasefire needs to be absolutely complied with from both sides,” she noted.

Kahrs believes that the aim should be that this ‘frozen conflict’ after a ceasefire finds a sustainable solution and "that the Foreign Ministry and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier to take the necessary initiative here."

The German-South Caucasus Parliamentary Friendship Group in the German Bundestag supports to remain in talks with both representatives of the conflicting parties as well as with international mediators for sustainable peace talks.

"In addition to maintaining partnerships with the respective parliaments, the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh remains a special core theme in the Parliamentary Friendship Group. We are endeavored to impel the process of creating peaceful conditions. Undoubtedly this forms an extraordinary difficulty. However, especially regarding from our point of view is that during our OSCE chairmanship owe have more duty to find ways of ending this unsuitable status!” Strenz and Kahrs concluded.


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