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Zangazur Corridor - the only solution to hassles in Armenia's logistical problems

18 August 2024 19:40 (UTC+04:00)
Zangazur Corridor - the only solution to hassles in Armenia's logistical problems

By Mehdi Ahmadzade,

In recent days, Armenian trucks have again been stuck on the Upper Lars road, the only land route linking Armenia to Russia. Traffic jams on this section of the road have become a regular occurrence, significantly complicating logistics and causing serious delays in cargo deliveries.

The main reason for congestion at Verkhniy Lars is the seasonal increase in vehicle traffic, especially in the summer. The tourist season leads to a significant increase in the number of cars and trucks, which exceeds the capacity of the border crossing. In addition, weather conditions in the region also often play a negative role, leading to temporary closures of the road.

The border services of Russia and Georgia are working at maximum capacity, but even with all available lanes in use, the situation remains critical. Most of the delays are caused by the overload of the infrastructure, which is unable to cope with the increased traffic.

For Armenian trucks, the road through Upper Lars is a vital route, as there are no other land options for communication with Russia. This means that any problems on this section of the road immediately affect the entire logistics chain. Trucks transporting goods from Armenia often end up in multi-kilometer traffic jams, which delays delivery and increases transportation costs.

In addition, some cargo transported by Armenian trucks requires additional checks at the border, which also increases the waiting time. Weather conditions often complicate traffic, creating additional obstacles for heavy-duty vehicles.

In this difficult situation, the opening of the Zangazur corridor could be a real breakthrough for Armenia. The route promises to provide an alternative route for cargo transportation, which will significantly reduce the country's dependence on Upper Lars.

The Zangezur Corridor will provide a more direct and less congested route, reducing travel times and transportation costs. It will also open up new trade opportunities with neighboring countries such as Iran, Turkey, and Azerbaijan, leading to increased exports and stronger economic ties.

In addition, having an alternative route will reduce the political and economic risks associated with dependence on a single transport corridor. Armenia will be able to plan its logistics operations more efficiently and avoid disruptions caused by external factors such as weather conditions or border crossing congestion.

The ongoing traffic jams at Upper Lars highlight the importance of diversifying logistics routes for Armenia. The opening of the Zangezur corridor is seen as a key step toward addressing these issues, which will help Armenia improve its transport infrastructure, reduce costs, and open up new economic opportunities. Armenian drivers already understand this; all that remains is for Yerevan to understand and sign the relevant agreements.


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