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Azerbaijan Diplomat Day celebrated in London [PHOTOS]

11 July 2024 17:19 (UTC+04:00)
Azerbaijan Diplomat Day celebrated in London [PHOTOS]
Fatima Latifova
Fatima Latifova
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An event dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the diplomatic service bodies of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the professional holiday of diplomatic service employees on July 9 was held at the Azerbaijani embassy in London, Azernews reports.

The event was attended by Lord David Evans, a member of the House of Lords of the British Parliament, local government representatives, members of the diplomatic corps accredited in London, and public figures.

In his opening speech, Azerbaijan’s Ambassador to the UK, Elin Suleymanov, noted that this year marks the 105th anniversary of the Azerbaijani Diplomatic Service, which was founded in 1919. He provided information on the achievements of Azerbaijan since restoring state independence in 1991 and emphasised that Azerbaijan has a high reputation as a reliable partner in the modern international relations system. It was highlighted that 2024 is a significant year for Azerbaijan, as the country will host the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in November.

It was emphasised that due to the strategy implemented by President Ilham Aliyev, a new stage has begun in the South Caucasus, where global issues such as climate change and transport corridors have become the main topics of discussion instead of conflict. It was noted that representing Azerbaijan in the international arena has been a great honour for Azerbaijani diplomats over the past three decades since regaining state independence. The ambassador congratulated all employees of the Azerbaijani diplomatic service bodies on their professional holiday, with a particular acknowledgment of the embassy staff in London.

The event continued with a concert program by Sevda Mammadli, an associate professor at the Baku Music Academy named after Uzeyir Hajibeyli, a Ph.D. in art history, an international competition laureate, and a renowned pianist and composer. She performed works by prominent Azerbaijani composers, folk songs, samples of world music, and her own compositions. During the concert, Sevda Mammadli also performed pieces together with her daughter, pianist Vusala Babayeva, a graduate of the Royal College of Music, and honored artist, violinist Ceyla Seyidova. The concert program was received with great enthusiasm by the event participants.

Finally, speaking on behalf of the audience, Lord Evans expressed his gratitude to the performers and said he was impressed by Azerbaijani music.


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Azerbaijan Diplomat Day celebrated in London [PHOTOS] - Gallery Image
Azerbaijan Diplomat Day celebrated in London [PHOTOS] - Gallery Image
Azerbaijan Diplomat Day celebrated in London [PHOTOS] - Gallery Image
Azerbaijan Diplomat Day celebrated in London [PHOTOS] - Gallery Image
Azerbaijan Diplomat Day celebrated in London [PHOTOS] - Gallery Image
Azerbaijan Diplomat Day celebrated in London [PHOTOS] - Gallery Image
Azerbaijan Diplomat Day celebrated in London [PHOTOS] - Gallery Image
Azerbaijan Diplomat Day celebrated in London [PHOTOS] - Gallery Image
Azerbaijan Diplomat Day celebrated in London [PHOTOS] - Gallery Image
Azerbaijan Diplomat Day celebrated in London [PHOTOS] - Gallery Image
Azerbaijan Diplomat Day celebrated in London [PHOTOS] - Gallery Image
Azerbaijan Diplomat Day celebrated in London [PHOTOS] - Gallery Image
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