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Azeri territory distorted on Google Earth

12 July 2010 19:38 (UTC+04:00)
Azeri territory distorted on Google Earth

BAKU - Azerbaijani territory was distorted on a map posted on the Google Earth website. Two regions of Azerbaijan – Ordubad and Sadarak of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic – as well as the Nehrem village were indicated as Armenia’s land.
Google Earth allows to make virtual journeys to any corner of the world. The Russian language version of the popular website, called Google Planeta Zemlya (Google Planet Earth), enables users to browse to any place on earth, see photos of various sites and their maps.
The Azerbaijan Internet Forum head, Osman Gunduz, told the Baku-based ANS TV channel that his organization was aware of the fact and had sent a statement of protest to Google executives.
Gunduz noted that this is not the first time such a distortion takes place on Google. The previous errors were rectified after interference by the Internet Forum and government agencies.
Gunduz emphasized that Google serves several purposes. Some of them mostly upload ready maps, in which case the search engine is not responsible for the content. Only the website compiles uploaded maps on its own. Therefore, protests over the latest distortion should be addressed to the Google administration.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Elkhan Polukhov told ANS TV that he was not aware of the distortion, adding that it would be scrutinized.
20 percent of Azerbaijan’s territory, including Upper (Nagorno) Garabagh and seven adjacent districts, has been under Armenian occupation since the two South Caucasus republics signed a precarious cease-fire in 1994 following a lengthy war.

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