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Serbian leader to visit Azerbaijan in May

1 April 2010 05:42 (UTC+04:00)
Serbian leader to visit Azerbaijan in May
Serbian President Boris Tadic is scheduled to visit Azerbaijan in May, the Azerbaijani Ambassador to Serbia, Eldar Hasanov, has said. The visit was discussed last week during his meeting with the Serbian leader after the envoy presented his credentials to the president.
Tadic noted that a number of agreements are due to be signed during his visit. He said he would be very pleased to welcome President Ilham Aliyev in his country, as well.
Touching upon the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Upper (Nagorno) Garabagh, the Serbian president said his country backs Azerbaijan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. He also thanked the Azerbaijani leadership for supporting Serbia on the Kosovo issue.
Tadic also stressed the importance of boosting bilateral economic and trade cooperation. "I have instructed relevant state bodies to take necessary measures to elevate our friendly and cooperative relations to a new level."
He also said Serbia was keen to develop political and economic cooperation with Azerbaijan, in particular, in the energy sector.
Hasanov said the Serbian president’s forthcoming visit to Azerbaijan would contribute to developing relations between the two countries.
The opening of Azerbaijan’s embassy in Serbia will be held on May 28.*
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