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Presidential aide hails improvements in Azerbaijani army

20 March 2020 12:00 (UTC+04:00)
Presidential aide hails improvements in Azerbaijani army

By Trend:

Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan, Head of the Military Affairs Department of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration, Colonel General Maharram Aliyev, together with the officials of the Defense Ministry, recently visited military units on the line of contact of the Azerbaijani and Armenian armed forces upon the instructions of Azerbaijani President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev.

“I would like to stress that positive changes achieved as a result of the successful work which is carried out in the army affected all structures of the Defense Ministry,” Maharram Aliyev said in an interview with Trend.

“The achieved results are obvious and this makes every citizen of the country proud,” assistant to the Azerbaijani president added.

“I would like to stress that all these positive changes have become possible thanks to Azerbaijani President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev’s attention and care towards the process of building the army, which was declared a priority,” Maharram Aliyev said.

“If we talk about social conditions in the army, then according to stereotypes, it is easy to create them, for example, in military units deployed near the capital or big cities. But seeing the conditions created on the line of contact of the troops for the Azerbaijani servicemen protecting the Motherland, regardless of the weather, in front line positions face to face with the enemy, at the height of Lalatepe, liberated during the April battles of 2016, my heart fills with pride,” Aliyev said. “Thanks to the state care for the military units of the combat zone, the material and technical support issues, as elsewhere, have been indeed resolved at a high level. Excellent conditions for service and accommodation have been created for servicemen. We again witnessed this and are pleased with it.”

As for the operational situation on the line of contact between the troops and the personnel service, Maharram Aliyev stressed that the operational situation of the army along the front zone is fully controlled by the Azerbaijani army.

"Fighting spirit, moral and psychological mood of personnel, combat readiness of units are at the high level,” assistant to the Azerbaijani president said.

“All enemy’s actions are monitored and the Azerbaijani army is fully prepared to prevent all possible provocations,” Maharram Aliyev added. “The servicemen correctly assess great significance of the task assigned to them. They are constantly increasing their combat readiness to liberate our lands and successfully fulfill the sacred task of protecting the territorial integrity of the country."

Aliyev also touched upon the topics which attracted his attention during the meetings and conversations with military personnel.

"It was mainly military patriotism, fighting spirit, loyalty of personnel to the supreme commander-in-chief, military oath, Motherland,” Maharram Aliyev said. “The conversations also touched on the importance of the work carried out by the state to improve the service and combat conditions of military personnel for which the staff expressed gratitude.”

“Today, the personnel of the Azerbaijani army feels this care and continues to serve the Motherland confidently with responsibility and all their might.”

“Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva pay attention, render comprehensive support and are sensitive to the families of military personnel who became martyrs for the sake of the Motherland, military personnel wounded in battles and those who are serving,” Maharram Aliyev said. “Of course, this increases the responsibility of the personnel, inspires the personnel and strengthens the fighting spirit of our army."

Colonel-General Maharram Aliyev also touched upon the issue of Azerbaijan’s acquisition of modern weapons, ammunition and military equipment.

"As far as Azerbaijan’s economic power is growing, the most modern weapons, ammunition and military equipment are purchased for the army, which greatly increases the combat efficiency of the troops and positively affects the combat readiness,” the assistant to the Azerbaijani president added.

“We witnessed this, being in the front zone,” Maharram Aliyev said. “Indeed, military units have been provided with the most modern military equipment.”

Maharram Aliyev added that, being in the zone of hostilities, he visited a number of military units and the front positions.

"The officers’ reports on the service, combat readiness and the operational situation were provided,” Aliyev said, pointing to confident behavior, fighting spirit, determination to win, moral and psychological preparation and professionalism of servicemen.

“History shows that ideological preparation and psychological attitude of servicemen who obey the order to defeat the enemy are the main components of professionalism. While talking with the officers, we were convinced that the leadership of the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry is constantly paying attention to the readiness of the troops."

Maharram Aliyev emphasized that the ideological work which is carried out in the Azerbaijani army, moral and psychological training, military-patriotic measures aimed at ensuring fighting spirit of personnel serve one purpose - to protect the Motherland from the enemy, liberate the occupied territories and ensure the territorial integrity of the country.

“While speaking about the servicemen professionalism, I would like to stress that officers, junior command personnel and soldiers are constantly improving their work, do not stop at the achieved success, on the contrary, they are constantly improving their professional level,” the assistant to the Azerbaijani president said. “The career soldiers have been intensively recruited since 2014 upon the instructions of Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev.”

“This is one of the indicators of the professional development of the army,” the assistant to the Azerbaijani president said. “While communicating with the military, career soldiers serving in various positions at the forefront more than five or even ten years, seeing their professionalism, ability and contribution to improving combat readiness, we witness the president’s far-sighted and timely strategy."

Maharram Aliyev also said that following the order of the defense minister, the personnel fulfilled the tasks of bringing military equipment to the designated area on alert.

"Great combat readiness, professionalism of officers and junior command personnel, such positive qualities as making the right decisions and their exact implementation attracted our attention as a factor creating the basis for the successful implementation of this order,” Maharram Aliyev said.

“After observing the process when the servicemen got up when the alarm was sounded, it is possible to say sincerely that the Azerbaijani army is a single military team with great combat readiness and operating in coordination with various branches of the armed forces,” the assistant to the Azerbaijani president said.

In conclusion, Maharram Aliyev congratulated the families of martyrs, military vets with damaged health, all the personnel led by the leadership of the Defense Ministry, civilian employees, members of their families and the servicemen in the trenches on Novruz holiday and wished them robust health, longevity, family happiness and new success on service.

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