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President Ilham Aliyev declares 2020 "Year of Volunteers" in Azerbaijan [UPDATE]

30 December 2019 16:00 (UTC+04:00)
President Ilham Aliyev declares 2020 "Year of Volunteers" in Azerbaijan [UPDATE]

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has signed an order declaring 2020 the “Year of Volunteers” in Azerbaijan.

"For centuries, Azerbaijani people have maintained the traditions of goodwill, dedication, voluntary and gratuitous assistance. Volunteering is one of the most successful formats for the joint activities of citizens, society and the state, uniting people around common intentions. Volunteering is also a school of patriotism, an example of affection and service to one's people, the state, as well as national and spiritual values," said the president's order.

"In order to promote this activity, the state has taken the necessary steps, improved the regulatory framework, and formed state support mechanisms. Penetrating into many areas of activity, volunteering has become a nationwide movement, having spread across all regions of our country, to various spheres of public life, has embraced all sectors of our society, has become a way of life for our youth. ASAN, the Regional Development Public Union, the student volunteer movement Bir and other volunteer movements were created, and volunteer groups uniting tens of thousands of young people were formed in central and local executive bodies," said the president.

"Our volunteers, with their creativity, initiative, innovative way of thinking and modern worldview, brought new breath to the activities they joined, played an indispensable role in holding such large-scale international events in our country as the Eurovision Song Contest, First European Games, Formula-1, 4th Islamic Solidarity Games," said the president's order.

"The Volunteer Week, that was held in Azerbaijan on Dec. 5 - on the eve of the International Volunteers Week, has demonstrated that volunteering in our country has stepped on a new stage and has great potential," President Aliyev said.

"Guided by paragraph 32 of Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in order to promote the individual development of youth, increase their sense of social responsibility, effectively use the potential of youth for the well-being of the people and sustainable development of our country: I determine:

1. Declare 2020 the Year of Volunteers in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

2. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan within a month to prepare and submit to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan a plan of action regarding the announcement of 2020 as the Year of Volunteers in the Republic of Azerbaijan," said President Aliyev's order.


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