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Armenia, West's weak point in S Caucasus: Sabotage plans before COP29

2 August 2024 19:45 (UTC+04:00)
Armenia, West's weak point in S Caucasus: Sabotage plans before COP29
Fatima Latifova
Fatima Latifova
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Since Azerbaijan liberated Garabagh in 2020, many politicians have criticised Baku and defended Armenia's "rights." For 30 years, these forces ignored the occupation of Azerbaijani lands by Armenians, the destruction of historical, cultural, and religious monuments, the forced displacement of 1 million Azerbaijanis, and the nearly 4,000 missing Azerbaijanis. Now, their defence of Armenia's sovereignty is hypocrisy.

Canada's Pro-Armenian Minister

Melanie Joly, a young Canadian politician and Minister of Foreign Affairs, often makes pro-Armenian statements and threats against Azerbaijan. Recently, after Edmon Marukyan, leader of the Bright Armenia faction, called for the release of Armenian separatists imprisoned in Azerbaijan, Joly also demanded that Azerbaijan respect Armenia's territorial integrity with the same slogan.

Why didn't Melanie Joly demand respect for Azerbaijan's territorial integrity when Armenia occupied Azerbaijani lands, killed thousands of Azerbaijanis, targeted civilians in Ganja and Barda during the Second Garabagh War, and used prohibited Iskander missiles?

These actions show that the Canadian minister's double standards are driven by political interests rather than human rights and justice. In 2023, as a result of Azerbaijan's local anti-terror operations, separatist elements trying to create a so-called state on Azerbaijani lands were neutralised and brought to Baku. Although it is Azerbaijan's right to arrest these separatists, many pro-Armenian forces have had the audacity to demand the release of the so-called state's so-called leaders.

However, the imprisonment of these criminals in Azerbaijan is better than the fate of Azerbaijanis captured during the First Garabagh War. Thousands of Azerbaijani citizens were taken prisoner by Armenians, and the Armenian leadership not only refused to return the captives but also rejected demands for information about their fate.

One such prisoner is Azerbaijan's National Hero Natig Gasimov, who fought alone against dozens of Armenians in Khojaly. During his interrogation by Armenians, Italian photographer Enrico Sarsini filmed the process, showing the criminal Vitali Balasanyan among the Armenians. Years later, Balasanyan denied these facts and refused to provide information about Natig.

The fate of many Azerbaijanis, like Natig, remains unknown. The Armenian side should provide information about the captives and, if known, hand over their remains to Azerbaijan. While so many crimes against Azerbaijan have gone unpunished, demanding the release of Armenian criminals rightly imprisoned by Azerbaijan is unacceptable. It should be noted that Azerbaijan treats these aggressive and brutal separatists with maximum humanity, paying special attention to their health and living conditions.

Canada's and Other Western Countries' Interests in the South Caucasus

The primary goal of countries that ignore regional events and defend Armenia's policies is clear: to establish influence in the South Caucasus. It is no secret that the administration of Nikol Pashinyan has the weakest leadership in the South Caucasus region. Yerevan is easily manipulated and being used by other states. Countries like Canada, which aim to gain influence in a significant region like the South Caucasus, periodically defend Armenian interests on social media to win Yerevan's favour. Controlling Armenia is as easy as it is beneficial. The South Caucasus is a geography rich in oil and gas fields and transit routes connecting Russia, Turkiye, and Iran. Undoubtedly, states that want to reduce Russian influence in the region and develop by using the region's natural resources know that the easiest way to enter the South Caucasus is through Armenia.

Armenia as the Weak Point in the South Caucasus

Currently, the campaign to defend Armenian interests and Europeanize Armenians is being used to increase Western influence in Georgia. However, after the Georgian scenario failed, all attention turned to Armenia, making Yerevan suddenly the West's favourite state in need of help. However, the 44-day Patriotic War showed that the support the West provided to Armenia remained mere words, and the Armenian army couldn't withstand the Azerbaijani army for even three months. These facts indicate that the pro-Armenian ideas of politicians like Melanie Joly are only visible on social media, dragging Yerevan into an abyss and creating tension in the region.

Will the Western Alliance Sanction Azerbaijan?

Calls and demands addressed to Azerbaijan regarding Armenia sometimes include threats of sanctions. Some foreign forces seem to understand that Azerbaijan is not as easy to control and influence as they deal with Armenia. But they try to intimidate Baku with sanctions to break the will of the people and create panic. However, the reality is the opposite. Countries like Hungary, Italy, and the United Kingdom are interested in developing and strengthening their relations with Azerbaijan. In addition to its significant transit potential, Azerbaijan possesses the cleanest oil in the Caucasus. Especially when relations with Russia are strained, damaging ties with Azerbaijan is not an option for European countries. Therefore, politicians like Melanie Joly, who dare to speak on behalf of the entire world and threaten Azerbaijan, put themselves in a pitiful and ridiculous position. It is regrettable that someone lacking knowledge of history and geography can be the Foreign Minister of a country like Canada.

What Will Azerbaijan's Response Be?

Until now, countries supporting Armenia's unjust and baseless claims have had criminal pasts like Armenia itself. Both before and after the Second Garabagh War, threats and warnings against Baku have been made. Azerbaijan does not take these baseless accusations seriously. Currently, ongoing reconstruction work in Garabagh and preparations for COP29 are more important than meaningless Armenian fantasies.

It should be noted that the COP29 summit to be held in Azerbaijan this November is a testament to Baku's sustainable development and regional significance. The Armenian side responds to peace calls by creating provocations at the border, trying to provoke Azerbaijan and portray itself as a victim again, thus creating tension in the region ahead of the COP29 event. However, the Azerbaijani leadership has long predicted the plans Armenia is now contemplating and executing. Undoubtedly, any step by Armenia that hinders peace and regional stability will receive the appropriate response.


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