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Azerbaijan marks anniversary of renowned Orientalist

13 October 2009 12:37 (UTC+04:00)
Azerbaijan marks anniversary of renowned Orientalist
Azerbaijan`s scientific and literary community broadly marked the 70th anniversary of the late prominent Arab studies scholar, Professor Aida Imanguliyeva, last weekend.
Imanguliyeva, who passed away at the age of 51, focused on the common values of the East and West in her research as early as in the 1970s, as well as on scientific-cultural bonds.
The State Committee for Family, Women and Children`s Issues, jointly with the Oriental Studies Institute of the National Academy of Sciences, organized a conference dedicated to the renowned scholar`s anniversary on October 8.
Hijran Huseynova, chairperson of the Committee, said in her remarks that Imanguliyeva, along with being a prominent scholar and educator, was a person with outstanding qualities.
Director of the Oriental Studies Institute, Govhar Bakhshaliyeva, regarded Imanguliyeva as one of the most outstanding women of the 20th century.
``The bottom-line of Aida Imanguliyeva`s creative work was merging the Eastern and Western civilizations. She played a great role in the formation of the school of Arab studies in Azerbaijan,`` Bakhshaliyeva said.
On October 9-11, the International Ibn Arabi Symposium, ``East and West: Common Spiritual Values, Scientific-Cultural Links``, was organized by the National Academy of Sciences and Britain`s Oxford University. Speakers focused on Imanguliyeva`s role in the development of Oriental studies in Azerbaijan, mutual impact and links between the Eastern and Western cultures, outstanding 12th-century scholar Ibn Arabi`s creative and philosophical activity, its links to Azerbaijani classic literature, etc.
The event was attended by leading academics from US George Washington and Boston Universities; the Maksim Gorki Institute of World Literature of Russia`s Academy of Sciences; the St. Petersburg Oriental Manuscripts Institute, as well as scholars from France, Spain, Egypt and other countries.
The function was participated in by the late scholar`s children -- First Lady, UNESCO and ISESCO Goodwill Ambassador, Mehriban Aliyeva, the rector of the Moscow State University`s Baku branch, Nargiz Pashayeva, and the late scholar`s husband, Academician Arif Pashayev.
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