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Beijing issues diplomatic protest to Tokyo over Japan-Taiwan coast guard exercises

19 July 2024 21:20 (UTC+04:00)
Beijing issues diplomatic protest to Tokyo over Japan-Taiwan coast guard exercises

By Alimat Aliyeva

China has strongly protested and made a demarche to Japan over the joint exercises of Japanese and Taiwanese coast Guard ships, Azernews reports.

"We are very unhappy and strongly oppose Japan's joint naval maneuvers with the Taiwan region. We have made a strict presentation to the Japanese side," he said.

According to him, China calls on Japan to respect the one-China principle, immediately correct its mistakes and not support separatist forces advocating Taiwan independence.

Earlier, NHK reported that patrol ships of the Coast Guard of Japan and Taiwan conducted the first joint exercises in the waters south of the Boso Peninsula of Japan. Japan does not have diplomatic relations with Taiwan, but maintains close ties with the island.


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