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Cargo to Turkey, Europe to pass via Azerbaijan

29 March 2021 11:59 (UTC+04:00)
Cargo to Turkey, Europe to pass via Azerbaijan

By Ayya Lmahamad

A number of cargoes to Turkey and Europe will pass through Azerbaijan, has reported, quoting ADY Container LLC, a subsidiary of the Azerbaijan Railways closed-type joint-stock company.

ADY Container continues to attract cargoes from Central Asia and transport them via the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars (BTK) railway to Turkey and Europe in transit via Azerbaijan. Earlier it was reported that container transportation of cargo from Central Asia to Turkey along BTK has increased.

The company reported that a train with 10 containers is currently on way from Uzbekistan’s Tashkent to Turkey's Iskandar, and a train with 30 containers from Uzbekistan’s Bukhara is on way to Turkish Mersin. These 40- and 45-foot containers will be loaded onto a feeder vessel at Turkmenistan’s Turkmenbashi port and delivered to the port of Baku, after which they will be delivered via BTK to Turkey

Moreover, another 15 containers shipped from Bukhara were sent to Bulgaria.

"These containers, after being delivered from Turkmenistan to Baku, will go to one of the Georgian ports on the Black Sea. From there they will be delivered by sea to Bulgaria,” the report said.

Additionally, 17 containers with import cargoes will be delivered from Uzbekistan to Azerbaijan. The destination station of the containers is Hajigabul.

The company added that another 56 containers from Uzbekistan to Turkey and Europe will be transported via BTK in the coming days.

The Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway is of exceptional importance for turning Azerbaijan into a regional transport corridor. The agreement on the construction of the railway, which was put into operation in 2017, was signed during the meeting in Tbilisi by the Azerbaijani, Georgian and Turkish leaders in 2007.

ADY Container LLC has begun expanding cooperation, mainly with countries in the Far East region - China, Japan and South Korea, as well as with Ukraine, Turkey, Russia, Iran and India, to increase the volume of cargo transportation along the international East-West Transport Corridor, North-South Transport Corridor and Trans-Caspian International Transport Route.


Ayya Lmahamad is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow her on Twitter: @AyyaLmahamad

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