
Friday September 27 2024

Delusion of Diplomacy: Unmasking Pashinyan's hypocrisy at UN

27 September 2024 19:45 (UTC+04:00)
Delusion of Diplomacy: Unmasking Pashinyan's hypocrisy at UN
Akbar Novruz
Akbar Novruz
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The United Nations, often criticised for its inefficacy, remains a vital platform for shaping global politics through the speeches of world leaders. While discussions of reform surround the organisation, the statements made during the General Assembly still play a crucial role in reflecting national interests and global issues. It is from this podium that leaders attempt to balance domestic priorities with international responsibilities. Recently, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan took the stage, offering his perspective on Armenia’s position, but beneath his diplomatic rhetoric lies a deeper, more troubling agenda.

The Illusion of Peace: Hypocrisy in Action

Pashinyan attempts to frame himself as a sincere advocate for peace, claiming that Armenia and Azerbaijan have agreed on 80% of a proposed peace treaty. However, he conspicuously avoids mentioning the remaining 20%. What lies in this unresolved portion? The glaring omission may point to Armenia’s reluctance to remove the preamble from its constitution that claims Garabagh. This is a classic case of "shadow politics," where Pashinyan avoids transparency about critical issues that could derail his peace narrative. If he is indeed committed to peace, why not discuss the full details? This undermines his credibility and raises suspicion about his real intentions.

The “Crossroads of Peace” Fiction: Sabotaging the Zangazur Corridor

In addition, funny enough, Pashinyan proposed world leaders at the UN General Assembly "Crossroads of Peace" project. This mentioned project during his speech, is nothing more than a fantasy meant to distract from real obligations. In reality, Azerbaijan has already taken the Zangazur Corridor—a key provision of the 2020 Tripartite Declaration—off the negotiation table to advance peace. Yet Pashinyan’s introduction of the "Crossroads of Peace" is an attempt to revoke past commitments and derail the ongoing peace process. There, I may say he is seeking to gain Iran's attention and support in this so-called project. His willingness to push imaginary projects instead of fulfilling real obligations demonstrates his lack of sincerity in pursuing genuine peace.

While Pashinyan speaks of peace at the UN, Armenia’s lobbying efforts paint a much darker picture. Armenian-controlled circles, media, and human rights organisations engage in relentless disinformation campaigns against Azerbaijan. The Armenian diaspora’s influence in legislative bodies, particularly in the United States, leads to resolutions and events aimed at demonising Azerbaijan and sabotaging any attempt at peace. These coordinated efforts show that Armenia’s real agenda is to undermine Azerbaijan on the global stage while pretending to seek diplomatic solutions. Pashinyan’s silence on these efforts further demonstrates his insincerity.

Pashinyan’s speech can be seen as an attempt to consolidate his international support by portraying himself as a peace-loving leader. Within Armenia, he has cultivated an image of the “father of the nation” and even resorted to theatrics, such as threatening to take his own life. For nearly three decades, Armenia ignored multiple UN Security Council resolutions that called for its withdrawal from Azerbaijani lands. Despite this history, Pashinyan now stands before the world, offering philosophical musings on the future of the UN while conveniently ignoring his government’s history of defiance against the organisation. His role in maintaining the occupation of Azerbaijani territories cannot be forgotten, no matter how smartly he presents himself from the UN podium.

Armenia's leadership has remained inactive over the past 34 years, with Pashinyan attempting to consolidate his power by crafting a misleading narrative at the UN. Despite projecting himself as a peace-loving statesman, Pashinyan’s actions show otherwise. His portrayal as an "innocent" leader, willing to sacrifice everything for his people, is part of a well-coordinated propaganda strategy. By playing the victim and promoting ideas like "he will take his own life" for the sake of his country, Pashinyan manipulates international perceptions. For Azerbaijan and the international community, it is clear that Pashinyan’s vision of peace is nothing more than an illusion crafted for international consumption. So Mr. Pashinyan we offer you to see the picture from a more real, peaceful frame!


Akbar Novruz is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow him on Twitter: @ykwiua

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