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Frank Schwabe drives Europe's political path into abyss

29 August 2024 13:33 (UTC+04:00)
Frank Schwabe drives Europe's political path into abyss
Fatima Latifova
Fatima Latifova
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Since late January of this year, tension has been high in the relations between Azerbaijan and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), which was triggered by the Assembly's decision not to ratify the credentials submitted by the Parliamentary delegation of Azerbaijan. Considering the high potential for cooperation between the two sides, it is regrettable that certain factions within PACE harbor biases against Baku and openly reflect these biases in their policies.

For nearly thirty years, Azerbaijan sought assistance from the Council regarding refugees and internally displaced persons, nevertheless, the Council consistently refrained from engaging in such matters, claiming it lacked the mandate. After the Azerbaijani Army liberated Garabagh from Armenian occupation, many politicians revealed their pro-Armenian stances. It is worth noting that after the liberation of Azerbaijani territories, discussions on the Garabagh issue became a recurring topic in almost every session of the assembly. Curiously, some deputies who had opposed the discussion of the Garabagh conflict over the previous 30 years began persistently raising the issue in every session. These individuals, who previously ignored discussions about the rights of Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs during the occupation, now openly focused on the rights of Armenians who later settled in Garabagh and their fate after leaving Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan’s decision to invite the OSCE, rather than PACE, to monitor the early elections held in February became a pretext for these individuals. Frank Schwabe, head of the German delegation to PACE, is one of the politicians with a pro-Armenian stance and bias against Azerbaijan.

Schwabe’s portrayal of his personal views as the interests of his country and PACE is unacceptable, especially since the Germany he represents places special importance on its relations with Azerbaijan and supports Azerbaijan's just victory in the Garabagh issue.

Berlin and Baku have a longstanding partnership. However, Azerbaijan is not only a favorable partner for Germany but also for other European countries such as Hungary and Italy. PACE itself is aware of Azerbaijan’s importance to the West.

During her meeting with President Ilham Aliyev in Baku in the summer of 2022, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, emphasized Azerbaijan’s crucial role in international partnerships. Her recognition extends beyond diplomatic formalities and into the core of collaboration.

Notably, about two years before Azerbaijan won the proposal to host COP29, von der Leyen praised Azerbaijan’s importance as a critical energy partner.

This demonstrates that cooperation between Azerbaijan and the European Union is mutually beneficial. However, the presence of individuals like Frank Schwabe, who serve the interests of the Armenian lobby, discredits both PACE and the Germany he represents. Schwabe’s latest accusations against Azerbaijan were reflected in his interview published on Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty on August 23. He claimed that Azerbaijan is not interested in maintaining its membership in the Council of Europe and accused Azerbaijan of not adhering to the values promoted by the Council. His subsequent defamatory remarks against the country’s leadership did not go unanswered.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan has included the deputies who voted against the Azerbaijani delegation in PACE, represented by Frank Schwabe, in the list of "undesirable persons." It is important to note that Azerbaijan has no bias or misunderstanding with the European Union. Baku prioritises cooperation with all institutions and countries within the framework of justice. However, individuals who overstep their bounds by attacking Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity and policies will not be tolerated by Baku. The presence of such individuals representing institutions like PACE is seen as a parasitic force that drives the politics between countries towards failure. Their primary mission is to create conflicts and strain relations between institutions and states.

No state is perfect. However, to criticise another state’s policies, one must at least be aware of that state’s history and the difficult paths it has gone through. If Frank Schwabe had deeply understood the Armenian crimes committed against the Azerbaijani people and the Armenian occupation, he would have rightly condemned the Armenian government instead of criticising Azerbaijan, which is a significant partner for Europe in the South Caucasus.

Justifying Armenia's 30-year occupation policy, covering up Armenian crimes committed in Garabagh, and creating a scandal in Azerbaijan under the slogans of bribery and freedom of speech can only be the act of a politician that is sold to the Armenian lobby. Schwabe, who himself has been accused of bribery and corruption, only exposes his dirty past with such biased actions..


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