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Sargsyan’s recent visit to Nagorno-Karabakh is another provocative step - foreign ministry

20 April 2016 18:30 (UTC+04:00)
Sargsyan’s recent visit to Nagorno-Karabakh is another provocative step - foreign ministry

By Nazrin Gadimova

Armenian leadership’s recent visit to Azerbaijan’s occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region is another provocative step that exacerbates an already difficult situation.

Hikmet Hajiyev, the Spokesperson for Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry, made the remark commenting on the visit of President Serzh Sargsyan, who was the commander of breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh's military forces in 1992, to the territories that are currently under control of the Armenian military units.

Earlier, Armenian and Russian media reported that the head of Armenia visited Azerbaijan’s occupied Khankendi region to discuss ‘a wide range of issues related to army building’.

Acting in this way, Sargsyan has shown disrespect to the Helsinki Final Act (principles of the sovereign equality, respect for the rights, inherent in sovereignty, inviolability of frontiers, territorial integrity and many others), as well as violated Azerbaijan’s legislation.

Hajiyev believes that this fact has once again proved that Yerevan is guilty of the recent escalation on the contact line of troops of the Armenian and Azerbaijani armies. He further added that despite persistent calls of the international community, the Armenian side continues to breach ceasefire and this is a serious threat to the stability in the region.

Touching upon Sargsyan’s statements, Hajiyev stressed that the country’s leadership continues the military rhetoric instead of making steps towards constructive settlement of the long-lasting conflict.

Sargsyan said no word about the future of the region and normalization of Armenia’s relations with the neighboring countries in his speech, the spokesperson added.

Armenia’s aggressive policy has resulted in its isolation from region’s important countries: Turkey has closed its border after Armenia occupied Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized territories, while Azerbaijan responded with the same actions after Yerevan's naked aggression.

“The Armenian leadership is pushing the country’s young people to ethnic hatred, war and massacre with its theses about populism and artificial patriotism, which is peculiar to military dictators,” Hajiyev noted.

The country’s regime tries to deceive the Armenian society that lives in poverty, as well as to distract attention from the military losses and to recover its completely lost credibility and confidence in public, the spokesperson added.


Nazrin Gadimova is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow her on Twitter: @NazrinGadimova

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