
Sunday September 22 2024

Another Armenian barbarism in Lebanon - Turkish truck subjected attack

31 August 2023 22:50 (UTC+04:00)
Another Armenian barbarism in Lebanon - Turkish truck subjected attack

A group of aggressive and barbaric Armenians living in Lebanon staged another wild provocation.

According to Azernews, they blocked the passage of a Turkish trading truck and attacked it. The incident took place in the Burj Hammoud area of ​​Beirut.

The report says that the radicals beat the driver, doused the truck with paint and tore off the tarpaulin. They also threw eggs at the truck.

It should be reminded that earlier about 50 people of Armenian origin, who held a rally in front of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Lebanon, hit the fence around the embassy's administrative building and threw bottles with paint and combustible mixture into the building, which they had brought with them.

By the time law enforcement officers arrived at the scene of the incident, the attackers managed to escape. In order to identify and detain the criminals involved in the attack on the Azerbaijani embassy, ​​a note was sent to the Lebanese Foreign Ministry and appropriate measures were taken. Currently, the security of the embassy has been strengthened, an investigation is underway.

As a result of the attack, the staff of the diplomatic mission was not injured.


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