
Friday September 20 2024

Flashmob performers surprise travelers at Baku Airport

18 December 2015 16:38 (UTC+04:00)
Flashmob performers surprise travelers at Baku Airport

By Laman Sadigova

Today visitors to the Heydar Aliyev International Airport were treated and surprised with an amazingly organized musical 'flashmob'.

The Youth Symphonic Orchestra of Music School named after Bulbul led by art director and conductor Teymur Geychayev, who performed the overture from the immortal operetta "Arshin Mal Alan", met travelers in the Arrivals Hall of the Terminal 1.

The flash mob dedicated to the World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day, started with performing of rhythmic compositions by a drummer descending an escalator. The drummer was followed by musicians who began to gather in the center of the hall from different corners of the terminal while simultaneously playing different melodies that merged into a musical cacophony foreshadowing a surprise.

The orchestra gathered in a team in front of arrivals board by the command of Goychayev, who appears on the second floor, brilliantly performed Uzeyir Hajibeyov’s famous work. A completely unexpected yet thoroughly planned surprise was met with smiles and applauses.

This year Azerbaijan marks the 130th anniversary of Uzeyir Hajibeyov.

You can view the video here ---


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